White Belt Art of Sensation – Hermanus and Jhb 2024

The Art of Sensation Nia White Belt body and life training intensive over five days will be from:

Saturday 5 October to Wednesday 9 October 2024 in Johannesburg (Studio Kairos, Dunkeld Bowls Club, 15 Hume Road, Dunkeld West, Johannesburg).

For more details of what’s included in the Art of Sensation White Belt training, click on the link below.


Alternatively, you can do the Art of Sensation training over 15-weeks, in-person 4 May to 10 August 2024 on Saturdays from 08:30 to 11:30 (includes a 60-minute Nia class each week). This training is also at Studio Kairos in Johannesburg, as above.

For more details, here is the link:


Part movement training, part personal retreat, the Nia White Belt training will take you on a five-day guided journey into a deeper relationship with yourself. Find the JOY in body, mind, emotions, and spirit. Learn to listen deeply to the yearnings of your body and the desires of your soul. Discover the transformation that awaits you on the other side of awareness.

“Nia is safe place where I can get lost in the joy of movement in my own special way of moving. Nia is a sure way to fall in love with yourself and everyone else again.” – White Belt graduate

Cost of the training

The cost of the White Belt training for South African citizens is US$1,200.

The cost of the White Belt training for non-South African citizens is US$1,599.

From the moment you step through the door, your relationship with your body and your experience of life is about to change in a positive way. The White Belt training is a gift to you and your body for the rest of your life.

You need no movement background or fitness level and don’t even have to be a Nia student. The international Nia website (www.nianow.com) explains the White Belt training: Joyful. Transformational. It’s unlike any other educational training you’ve ever experienced. The Nia White Belt training is the first step on the Nia training path. All Nia trainings are highly interactive and deliver foundational principles through cognitive and experiential learning models. Once you’ve completed the Nia White Belt training, you’re eligible to license as a Nia teacher.

FOCUS: Art of Sensation

INTENT: Embody the Foundation of Nia

The Nia White Belt training takes you on a journey of self-discovery by exploring the Art of Sensation through 13 principles for body-centred awareness. Each principle teaches you a variety of skills and practices to increase your body literacy – the ability to listen to your body – and empowers you to make choices that enhance health and total well-being on and off the dance floor.

What is included in the Nia training?

  1. Five days of in-person, experiential learning including a Nia class experience each day. This includes 32 hours of

In-Person, Experiential Group Learning of the 13 Art of Sensation principles through embodied exercises, personal reflections and discussion.

10 one-hour Nia classes with your trainer to help you embody and integrate Art of Sensation principles and practices.

  1. Pre-training online training portal with materials to support your preparation to step-in including:
  • Podcasts, audio guided meditations, and movement exercises
  • and more
  1. Access to the online training portal with White Belt core curriculum including:
  • Art of Sensation lesson overviews + embodiment practices correlated to each live session
  • PDF downloads for each Art of Sensation lesson + principle
  • Educational videos for each Art of Sensation lesson + principle
  • Art of Sensation PDF journal – to document and record our course journey
  • Two-week FREE trial of Nia On Demand (for new Nia on Demand subscribers)
  • Bonus materials

What you can expect to learn during the White Belt training

  • A deeper understanding of self: knowing your body, mind, emotions, and spirit.
  • Techniques to sustain and increase pleasurable sensation in your body.
  • Ways to integrate Nia’s nine movement forms: Jazz Dance, Duncan Dance, Modern Dance; Aikido, Tai Chi, Tae Kwon Do; The Alexander Technique; The Work of Moshe Feldenkrais®; and Yoga.
  • The 52 Moves of Nia: the language of conditioning and self-healing.
  • The five sensations of functional fitness.
  • The practice of RAW: Relaxed, Alert, Waiting and what it means to be in “living meditation”.
  • How to stimulate movement creativity using the eight stages of body-centred creativity.
  • The Body’s Way method for moving and physical conditioning.
  • How to listen to the voices of your body.
  • About your “witness” and how to use it as a tool for self-healing.
  • Nia’s BODY + LIFE philosophy and what it means to create a sacred livelihood based on your unique life purpose.

*You will have access to your online Art of Sensation course portal for a total of 18 weeks (for the duration of your training plus bonus time). If you wish to extend your portal access, you are invited to join Nia Membership at the conclusion of your training.

Once you’ve completed your training, if you’d like to continue your education and/or teach Nia in a fitness class or professional setting, you may do so by purchasing the Nia teacher membership package, which is renewed annually (please refer to www.nianow.com for more details, or you can call Susan).


The first step is to create an account on www.nianow.com (if you haven’t already done so).

Go to www.nianow.com

Click on Log In / Sign Up

If you have never signed up before, click on “create an account now” (on the left-hand side of the screen)

Follow the prompts to create an account

If you already have an account, enter your details and click on Log In (on the right-hand side of the screen)

If you’re a South African citizen, and doing a White Belt training in South Africa, you’re eligible for the US$399 discount.

How to register if you’re a South African citizen

To register, you need to pay a registration fee of US$600 to Nia Technique Inc.

When you’ve opened your account and are ready to register and pay, click on this link:


Click on Register now

Click on Have a coupon

Enter the coupon code: southafricaresident

Click on Apply

The DISCOUNTED rate of US$600 should show now to complete the transaction.

Your credit card will be charged with the South African Rand equivalent.

You can visit oanda.com to calculate the exchange rate at the time of your payment.

Instructor fee

The balance of US$600 (the instructor fee) is due ideally one month before the White Belt training date.

This amount is payable in South African Rands (calculated according to the rate of exchange on the day you pay).

Here are the banking details for this amount:

Susan Sloan

Standard Bank, Hyde Park (051001)

Account number: 003978346

Reference: Your name and date of White Belt training

Terms are available, if necessary, for the instructor fee.

Once you’ve registered, you’ll get an email confirming your registration and directing you to the Welcome to the ART OF SENSATION Nia White Belt page. This page will walk you through all aspects of the Nia White Belt training experience, and will include videos, downloadable forms, and pre-training material. In the email, you’ll be instructed to complete the health waiver online before the White Belt training.

How to register for the White Belt training if you’re not a South African citizen

Click on the link:


Click on Register

Click on Purchase with credit card

You will receive the following message:

The balance of US$799.50 (the instructor fee) is due ideally one month before the White Belt training date.

This amount is payable into the South African bank account noted above.

Take the first step: send us an email (info@niagp.co.za) or call +27 11 325 5345 | +27 83 306 3852, www.lifeasartwithsusan.co.za